Brandy Brooks for Planning Board
It is time we got serious about candidates of substance, not flashy style and connections.
There is no candidate I believe in more than Brandy Brooks for MoCo Planning Board. Her addition is vital to this organ of our local democracy. Brandy's campaign for office last year focused on the and disheartening division between the privileged and disinherited in our county over a million people. While these smack some as populist motivations devoid of practical policy considerations, I have to disagree. There is an inside game in our county, and it is unkind and unwelcoming to new and fresh voices committed to the advancement of our society beyond their narrow networks.
Brandy’s resume is vast, and impressive. I will not re-highlight each of its points suffice to say I have every faith that her abilities and skillsets meet the requisite requirements to serve on the Planning Board.
Brandy Brooks has become through blood, sweat, and tears one of the true faces of our county. Her commitment to highlighting the challenges that face our society is commendable. Moreover, her ability to think through public policy is not just impressive, but wisely important. Having worked with her, I trust her more than any other candidate to offer perspectives and ideas that might otherwise be missed.
While some other candidates who have applied for the Planning Board vacancy are professional resume-padders, that is not the case with Brandy. Her commitment to serving the public outweighs the elitist politics of some who feel the pressure to keep up with the Joneses that some in their lives likely are demanding of them. This isn't an episode of Dynasty and we don’t need anymore insider intriguw. Montgomery County deserves a true public servant, and her name is Brandy Brooks.